Military Pet PCS

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Marching Into PCS Season: Moving Smoothly with Your Pet

Spring is just around the corner, which means PCS season is picking up! If you’ve moved before, you already know how stressful it can be—but adding a pet to the mix brings even more challenges. From extra expenses to travel logistics, planning ahead is key to ensuring a smooth transition for your furry family member. Here are some tips to help make your next move a little easier:

Before the Move:

1.    Research Housing Policies – Some rentals and base housing require pet deposits, so start saving early.

2.    Secure Pet-Friendly Lodging – Hotels that allow pets fill up fast, so book overnight stays and on-base lodging in advance.

3.    Vet Records & Health Certificates – Some hotels, airlines, and new duty stations require them, so get copies before your move.

During the Move:

4.    Crate Training & Travel Prep – If your pet isn’t used to a crate, start training early to reduce anxiety. Plan stops for water and bathroom breaks.

5.    Airline Policies – Research pet travel policies ahead of time, as restrictions vary.

6.    Keep Essentials Accessible – Don’t let movers pack away food, bowls, leashes, and medications!

After the Move:

7.    Update ID Tags & Microchip Info – A new address means new contact info!

8.    Monitor for Stress – Moves can be overwhelming for pets, so give them time to adjust and plenty of attention.

Moving can be fun but it also has its challenges. Being prepared in advance will save you a headache later on. What other tips can you think of? Join our community forum today!

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