Military Pet PCS

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Where are you PCS’ing

Moving with your pets

Hello everyone! As we enter PCS season I am curious who is moving this summer? How do you feel about the move? What tips or techniques are you implementing to make this move as smooth as possible?
Started by CLA24 on 18 May 2023 at 09:38 PM
2 Posts
Does anyone have a winter PCS coming up? We should find out where we are headed next summer here shortly! Anyone feeling excited, nervous, or all of the above???
Started by CLA24 on 06 November 2023 at 02:38 AM
1 Post
I found a fantastic resource today. Anyone driving to their next duty station or even vacation destination should check out the website: It's so easy to use. You plug in your starting location and final destination and the website maps out all hotels along your route that accept pets. I wish I had known about this sooner. Be sure to check it out the next time your family is making travel plans.
Started by Sonja on 01 December 2022 at 12:33 AM
3 Posts
Hi, Bon Jovi here, the rescue Schnauzer pup! I am on a grand adventure from Pope AFB to Fairchild AFB in t-minus 16 days! What a grand drive we have ahead of us! We have been planning all our pet friendly food stops via this app: BringFido. But could use your help too! We are driving from NC to WA state will follow Interstate-90 (Toledo, Chicago, Sioux Falls, Bozeman, Billings) does anyone have any fun spots, doggie parks, or food stops you can recommend for me?
Started by Samantha Goodman on 05 June 2023 at 03:59 PM
4 Posts
We are heading to Ft. Bragg this fall. Currently in South Korea. Never pcs'd with a dog before. So this will be new. We foster/adopted a Labrador Retriever, named Max. He is the best part of Korea we are bringing home with us. Follow his journey on ig: livinglifetothe_max_
Started by Lexxj88 on 21 August 2022 at 04:33 PM
5 Posts